As the new term and new season starts this week, we are pleased to confirm details (though some exact dates still TBC) for the upcoming Development Centres. For those of you that have registered, unless stated otherwise below, please just attend the centre that is most convenient for you, and we can always amend the one you have been allocated to on the system once we know which one you are attending. Costs vary slightly dependent upon sessions you are attending (and how many hours you get), but they roughly work out the same per hour.


Tuesday nights, 6 sessions from 10th September; 4.30-6pm @ King Edwards Boys School pitch.


Monday nights, 5 sessions from 9th September; 6.30-8.30pm @ Caludon Castle School

Please email Sanj on [email protected] to confirm your attendance (as well as registering on this platform)


Friday nights, 10 sessions from 20th September; 7-8pm @ Rugby School Sports Centre

Please register on as well as on here


Sunday afternoons, 5 sessions starting on 15th September (this will be 5 sessions within the next 6 weeks, exact weeks TBC in line with EH Championship matches as when those are on is when there will NOT be a DC session); Boys 1-3pm; Girls 3-5pm.


Friday evenings; 5 sessions from 6pm-8pm, starting on 20th September and running through until 18th October.

Categories: Club News